The Increased Risk of Heart Conditions in Law Enforcement Officers
It is well documented that law enforcement officers have a higher risk than the general public of developing certain occupational diseases such as Covid-19, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and certain heart conditions. The Minnesota legislature recognized this increased risk and… Read more »
Workers’ Compensation Benefits
In Minnesota, when a worker is injured in the course and scope of their employment, they could be entitled to benefits under the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Act. This can include medical care, along with wage loss benefits. When a worker… Read more »
The Option to Medical Out Instead of Retiring Under PERA
Police officers pay into the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). PERA offers a number of benefits to police officers who pay into PERA, one of which is a regular retirement pension. Under PERA once an officer reaches age 55 with at… Read more »
Independent Medical Examination and the Effect It Can Have on a Work Comp Claim
What is an independent medical examination? An independent medical examination, or IME, is performed by a doctor at the request of an insurance company in a workers’ compensation case. Despite the title this medical examination will not be independent. The exam… Read more »
Minnesota Firefighters and Cancer
In Minnesota there is actually a presumption between firefighters and certain types of cancer based on research that is being done. The authority on this is the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and as we learn more about… Read more »