Soldier’s 6 and K-9 Dez

A soldier walks down the street with his service dog while carrying a thin blue line flag .

  Jen Yackley & I originally met with Dana (who wrote the story below), her husband Ed & his service dog Rex to hear their story and learn how I can help. They founded an organization called Solder’s 6 whose mission is to provide honorably discharged veterans, police officers, and firefighters with specially trained K-9 dogs. The support […]

Soldier’s 6

A soldier walks down the street with his service dog while carrying a thin blue line flag .

Forward by Ron Meuser, Jr. Jen Yackley & I met with Dana (who wrote the story below), her husband Ed & his service dog Rex to hear their story and learn how I can help. They founded an organization called Solder’s 6 whose mission is to provide honorably discharged veterans, police officers, and firefighters with specially trained K-9 […]