Forward by Ron Meuser, Jr.
Jen Yackley & I originally met with Dana (who wrote the story below in 2019), her husband Ed and his service dog Rex to hear their story and learn how I can help. They founded an organization called Soldier’s 6 whose mission is to provide honorably discharged veterans, police officers, and firefighters with specially trained K-9 dogs. The support they provide these brave individuals is nothing short of amazing and, unfortunately, very needed. We hear from our police officer & firefighter clients with PTSD that the suffering doesn’t end when the job is over and many don’t want the job to end. Dana and Ed’s story is very real, heartbreaking, and a reminder that we must be continuously supportive in any way we can. Please join Meuser, Yackley & Rowland, P.A. in supporting this worthy organization by going to https://www.soldiers6.com/help.
Some days just down right suck and are not fair. The reason for them is not always known, although, this one we know. For the last 2 weeks I have watched him struggle through the loss. Trying to make sense of a friend and former partner. And today, he waived the white flag and took himself to bed before any bad decisions could be made. I am proud of him, although worried. I will always worry. He’s a fighter and that I have been told many times. No matter how many fights he enters, I will always be in his corner cheering him on and there to pick him up when he falls. Sleep the pain away today, I have you.
To my husband,
I see your strength behind those war-torn eyes. You fight a war within yourself almost daily. I see you want for better days. Better days without pain – physical, mental and emotional. I see your struggle as you continue to push on and find life after a badge number and a uniform. I see the inner struggle with your demons and as 2019 is comes to an end, I feel a relief as we close the chapter on another year.
Your drive to be better and present for life everyday nearly takes all you have, some days. Those days you wanted to die to just stop the pain, you dug deep, and were carried through by some of your greatest of friends who have stood by your side as your battles have raged. They say to marry a partner who you can go to battle with. We have found our match in one another. You are a bad ass warrior. One who never gives up the fight. You, you are my hero. The one I will go into battle with. In fact, I have. I have watched you fall and helped you back up every time. I have loved away your pain. We have battled through to better days.
Life has kicked your ass at times, and you always get back up. By now, you know the triggers and you have all the right friends in your toolbox to overcome and help you through. I promise to continue to push you to reach out to your friends, as they always welcome you. I promise I will stand by your side through it all. And no matter what, I will always battle alongside you.