We’ve undergone a rigorous evaluation of how we are represented as a reflection of how we wish to represent you. Focused, skilled, tenacious…these are qualities you will benefit from as we represent your rights, whether it’s a police officer with a PERA disability claim or a firefighter injured in the line of duty. This re-evaluation led us to re-brand in order to more closely align with our values, focus and plan for growth.
Today, we’re pleased to announce our new name, Meuser Law Office, P.A. As we continue to grow and seek out only the best legal talent, our attorneys will feel a higher level of value and ownership within the firm. It’s this level of empowerment that has made us one of the top law firms in Minnesota dedicated exclusively to the integrated practice of workers’ compensation, PERA/MSRS disability, and personal injury law in Minnesota.
In addition, check out our newly designed website at www.MeuserLaw.com! There, you’ll find valuable information including an overview of Minnesota PERA (Public Employees Retirement Association) disability benefits, FAQ sections for personal injury and workers’ compensation and a description of MSRS (Minnesota State Retirement System) State Patrol Plans. We hope you find the website dynamic and easy to navigate. Click here to watch some intriguing testimonials.
At Meuser Law Office P.A., we encourage you to contact us before a problem comes up with your PERA or workers’ compensation claim. We will monitor your case to make sure your benefits are being paid correctly, help you navigate the complex workers’ compensation system, and be prepared to immediately jump in if and when a dispute develops. To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, call us at 952-288-4667 or complete the contact form on the right-hand side of this page.
While we’re excited about our name change, we are more excited about the constant core values that makes each of us at Meuser Law Office, P.A. excited about coming to work each day: the opportunity to help our clients navigate the complex terrain of disability eligibility and compensation.